Private Limited Company Registration Online in India

Private Limited Company Registration is the most popular business registration in India. Private Limited is administered by the Ministry of corporate affairs and all the rule or regulations related to private limited is provided under Companies Act, 2013. To register a private limited minimum of 2 persons are required as a director and shareholder and a maximum of 15 directors and 200 shareholders can be added to the company during the tenure of the business. There is no minimum capital requirement to start a private limited company, a person can register a private limited with Rs. 5000/- as well but earlier this limit was Rs. 100,000/-. A private limited company has many features like separate legal entity, limited liability, perpetual succession, no maximum limit in the capital or turnover, can buy or sell property on its name including intellectual property like trademark and all. There is one basic requirement which all private limited has to do is the requirement of annual compli...